Happiness Is An Opportunity

“Every moment in time is an opportunity to be Happy”

Conversely, every moment in time allows the possibility of being unhappy. There is never an opportunity to be unhappy. Unhappiness is a problem, not an opportunity. It is a problem that cannot be solved but every problem can be overcome. Being overcome with happiness is always a possibility.

I overcome every problem in my life by meeting the challenge to overcome the problem. I am never challenged by happiness.

  • I can happily meet every challenge in life
  • I can unhappily fail every challenge in life

Whether I meet a challenge or fail a challenge is due to one thing only: Emotional Power. Insufficient emotional power is a problem. With enough emotional power, I meet every challenge in life.

  • Without enough emotional power, every challenge is a problem
  • With enough emotional power, every challenge is an opportunity to be happy with the outcome

Happiness really is enough emotional power to meet every challenge and overcome every problem in life.

The paradox is that I need to be happy to have the emotional power to be happy. I am required to meet my emotional needs to be able to challenge my fears and limiting beliefs, so as to overcome the cause of my unhappiness. Being empowered is the only way to connect to my emotional power. I have to be empowered to be connected and I have to be connected to be empowered.

Being unhappily disconnected from the source of our emotional power is the sole reason that we get stuck in our negative moods and the depression of our own desperate belief system. The fact is: Thinking positive mental thoughts requires positively happy emotional feelings.

“I am required to be happy to both express and experience my own state of being Happy”

The question is: How do I happily connect to the emotional power that allows my happiness to flow?