
Ordinariness is the state of being ordinary.

Ordinary is not a state of being but a state of doing.

It is a state of doing ordinary things.

Ordinary people do ordinary things.

Extra-ordinary people do extra-ordinary things.

Ordinary things are normal & usual with an order that is commonly acceptable.

Extra-ordinary things are uncommon, unusual and are not the norm.

It is not my emotional energy that is ordinary.

My emotional energy is individual, unique & exclusively mine.

My behaviour is considered by others to be ordinary when it is normal, usual & common to most people.

Being special is not encouraged by other ordinary people.

Being special is reserved for special people, not ordinary common people.

Choosing to be ordinary is conforming to the boundaries that other people impose on me.

Choosing to be special is pride without humility.

Choosing to be individual, unique & exclusive is ordinarily my choice.