The Authority Of State

The Authority of State is mine.

My state of being allows my authority.

My authority is relative to my state of being that determines my emotional power.

An emotional state of being that is empowering has authority.

Mental authority empowers an emotional state of being.

Prime, natural & divine states of being have a powerful authority.

When I state that I am happy & well, I am authorised to be so.

When I state that I am healthy, wealthy & wise, I am the author of those attributes.

When I state that I am content, fulfilled & joyful, I authorise those states of being.

Stating my truth, empowers me.

Stating an untruth, disempowers me.

I know my authorised state of being is my true identity.

I am authorised to state my truth.

When I state my truth, I experience it as my reality.