Four Choices Of Authority

When life happens to me, I am choosing to follow other people’s authority.

My sub-conscious mind is programmed with the beliefs, the fears, the morals, ethics, standards & boundaries of other people.

With external authority, I will need their motivation to realise my choice.

When life happens by me, I am choosing to follow the authority of my ego.

My conscious mind believes that it is in control of its own destiny whilst still subjected to its own fate.

Making conscious choices requires will power to manifest them as a reality.

When life happens through me, I am choosing to follow the authority of my inner guidance.

My super-conscious mind guides me with inspired revelations & intuitive insights.

With super-conscious choices, I am empowered to realise my dreams.

When life happens as me, I realise my own authority is a divine choice.

Making divine choices authorises a divine life.

My supra-conscious choices are creating my own ideal reality of choice.

My supra-conscious omniscient authority connects with my omnipotent creative power.