The Paradox Of Authority 

The Paradox of Authority is:

To have authority, I am first required to give up my authority.

To become a leader, I first have to become a follower.

To become a creator, I first have to become the creation.

It is the authority of the leader that creates the path.

We all have the authority of choice.

We are all free to choose.

The question is: Whose choice am I following & who’s creating my path?

The paradox is that my choice is authorised but not all of my choices are authorised.

Only my inspired choices are empowered.

Only my empowered choices have the authority of my Soul.

Whereas my ego is authorised to choose, not all of my ego’s choices are authorised.

Only with the authority of my Soul can I create my Self as a leader who is following my own path.

Only as the Creator can I lead with the authority of Choice.

Only when I follow my authorised leader can I truly be the creator of my own path.