True Confidence

My Soul communicates with my Self in Confidence.

In confidence, I communicate with my True Self.

I hear my messages ‘in confidence’.

My messages are confidential and for my ears only.

They are for my Self and my Self alone.

My True Confidence comes with hearing my messages.

What I intuitively ‘see’, I have confidence in.

What I intuitively ‘know’, I do with confidence.

What I intuitively ‘feel’, is being confident.

When I am feeling good, I am confident.

When I know what is right for me, I am confident.

When I see it my way, I am confident.

Intuitively in alignment with my Truth, I am Truly Confident.

Intuition allows my confidence to flow.

When my confidence flows, life flows effortlessly.

My effortless life is an expression of my True Confidence.