The Authority of Wisdom

The authority of my wisdom is determined by my faith in my truth.

The more faith that I have in my beliefs, the wiser I am.

I may consider my beliefs to be my truth, but they are not necessarily faithful to my effortless path.

Telling my truth does not connect me to my wisdom.

Having faith in my truth is my path to becoming wise.

The wisdom of my true faith authorises my power.

Faith in my true path is my powerful authority.

Only my empowered beliefs are authorised.

Only my true faith has true power.

Choosing to believe without authority & power is never wise.

Choosing with the power of my true authority has wisdom.

Wisdom allows the authority of my truth.

When my beliefs are aligned with the wisdom of my truth, they become my faith.

I only have faith in my own true path.

My faith in the authority of my truth allows my wisdom.

The authority of my wisdom is relative to my faith in the truth of my beliefs.