
Fulfilled means that we are filled full of positive emotional energy.

When we are filled full of positive emotional energy, we are connected to our power and we succeed to the inheritance of our true authority.

Our inheritance is the growth that we have covenanted to attain on our life path.

Life, path, & growth are the three aspects of our expansive fulfilment.

Expansive growth is being filled full of Life.

Expansive growth fulfills our Life Path.

Our Life Path grows as we fulfill our Destiny.

The more our destiny fills our life, the more fulfilled is our life and the more fulfilling is our destiny.

When filled full of negative emotion, we are experiencing the failure, rejection and deprivation of our fate.

Failure is to not have the ability.

Rejection is to not have the power.

Deprivation is to not have the authority.

When filled full with power, authority and ability we are fulfilled with our Destiny.