Truly Selfish

Being Truly Selfish is being like our True Self. Our True Self is our Soul.

Being Truly Selfish is being like our Soul.

Selfish and unselfish are a duality of the ego Self.

When the ego is being selfish it is looking after the best interests of itself.

When the ego is being unselfish it is looking after the best interests of someone else’s ego self.

Selfish people put their self first.

Unselfish people put others first.

The Soul is Truly Selfish and knows that we are all equal and treats others as it would like to be treated itself.

When we do unto others as we would have others do unto us, we are being Soul-like and Truly Selfish.

The Soul knows that it is never in our long term best interests to do anything detrimental to another because in reality what we do to others we do unto ourselves.

The Law of Attraction determines that like energy is drawn unto itself. What ever energy we focus our thoughts words and action on, we will attract into our own experience.

When we allow others to be Truly Selfish and follow their path, following our own path becomes truly effortless.