
Compassion is the ability to share the same emotional state of Being as another person.

When we share a negative state of Being (emotion) with another, we are in sympathy (e.g. grief).

When we share a positive state of Being with another, we are in empathy (e.g. contentment).

When we fail to connect to someone emotionally, we are in an emotional state of apathy. (e.g. aloof).

Compassion is sharing our passion with another who has a similar passion.

Our passion is our emotion.

When our emotional power is low (weak), our passion becomes negative and creates an emotional need.

When our emotional power is high (strong), our passion is positive and allows our True Values to be experienced.

When we share a passion that is a pleasure, we increase the pleasure.

When we share a passion that is painful, we increase the suffering.

True Compassion is sharing our highest aspects of Love, which we attain with Sensitive Detachment.