
When I am able to admire the qualities and attributes of another, I am being Admirable.

I admire another when I:

  • Look approvingly at who they are being
  • See the benefits of what they have attained
  • Regard them with a positive outlook
  • Respect who they are

I attain the ability to admire another when I become sensitively-detached to who they are being.

When emotionally attached to another, I will require patience to tolerate who they are.

When I am insensitive to another, I may become angry or intolerant of who they are being.

When sensitively-detached, I can overlook their negative short-comings and focus on their positive attributes.

With sensitive-detachment, I can see that their negative attitude is my opportunity to choose a better state of being for my Self.

With my vision of personal spiritual development and growth, I will attain the ability to admire my Self.