Effortlessly in the Flow

Being Effortlessly in the Flow of Life requires Acceptance.

I cannot be effortlessly in the flow and be tolerating something in my life.

I tolerate something in my life when it is not what I want in my life.

An affirmation of not wanting something is a statement of resistance to and non-acceptance of what is occurring.

When I am in conflict and offering resistance to what is occurring, I am not receiving it as a gift and a blessing.

When I am declining the receipt of something that is occurring, I am not accepting it.

In the state of non-acceptance, I am either tolerating it or being intolerant of it.

When I want everything that I have and I want for nothing, I am in gratitude and appreciation of everything that I have.

When I focus on my gratitude and appreciation of everything that I have in my life, I am accepting everything that I have as a gift and I am tolerating nothing that interrupts my being effortlessly in the flow of life.

When effortlessly in the flow of life, everything flows effortlessly to me in my life.

When Effortlessly in the Flow, “The quality of mercy is not strained”.