
Co-operating is who I am being when I am working together with others.

Collaborating is what I am doing when I am planning to be co-operating with others.

Co-operation is successful when all participants or collaborators are working harmoniously.

Whenever I believe that someone is not co-operating, it is because I am not co-operating with them.

To work in co-operation requires a mutually agreed vision.

To co-operate in the completion of a task requires a commonly agreed standard of performance to be achieved by all.

Co-operating harnesses the emotional potential of all team members.

An inability by any party to be co-operating will diminish the potential power of the team to achieve its objective.

To be truly co-operating requires my alignment with my Soul.

That means to be co-operating, I am required to feel good about whatever I am doing.

When I am not co-operating with my Inner Self, I cannot co-operate with others effectively or successfully.