
Self-Sufficient means I do not depend on others for what I need.

I meet my own needs by being self-sufficient.

The less I depend on others for what I need, the less money I need.

Money does not make me self-sufficient.

It is a measure of my dependency on others and my lack of self-sufficiency.

When I am self-sufficient, I have sufficient for my self.

When I have sufficient for my self, I am able to share what I have with other self-sufficient people.

When self-sufficient people share what they have, there is no need for money.

We depend on others for money.

Printing my own money has no value for other people.

I can never be self-sufficient in money.

Needing others to provide what I need requires money.

I earn money by providing what others need.

My Soul is content to let others provide what I need, if that is what I choose.

My Soul always provides enough.

I am not content with sufficient when sufficient is not enough.