Accepting, Approving, & Allowing

Being Accepting of what is occuring in the present is to observe the present moment, in a  sensitively detached way, without tolerance or intolerance.

Being Approving of who we have been in the past is to be aware, in an emotionally rational way, of the state of being that we attribute to the creation of our present circumstances.

Being Allowing of what we want in the future is to know our life path and to be exclusively connected to our destiny and what we have chosen to attain in our life.

We Accept the present moment when we know that we have created what is occuring in our life. We also know that we have the potential to change it in our future, by changing who we are, in relationship to it, in the present.

We Approve of who we have been in the past when we know that, at that moment of time, we were being the best that we were able to be, given the circumstances that we had created.

We Allow our future to open up to us when we know that we already have everything we want and need for the journey that we have chosen.

When we are in a state of Being Accepting of whatever is occuring, we have the potential ability to do whatever we need or want to do. This is self-esteem.

When we are in a state of Being Approving of who we are, we have the magnitude of power to be whoever we choose to be. This is self-worth.

When we are in a state of Being Allowing of what we choose to have, we have the force of authority to attract what we want to us. This is self-confidence.