Being Credible

Being Credible is having cred-ability.

Cred-ability is our ability to be credited with everything we ask.

We are Credible when we connect to our Truth and our Way.

When we are following our true path and vision, we are connecting to our authority, which is the Light of our Truth.

With our Power and our Authority, we are Credible and able to be credited with everything that we ask. We have the ability to create our own life consciously and credibly.

God is always Credible with us, although from our mortal perspective we see God as an in-credible Being.

What we see as incredible, we call a miracle. Miracles of creation are an everyday activity for those who are Credible.

What limits our credibility, or our ability to be credited with what we want, is our own personal perspective, which we call our truth.

Our own personal truth is relative to our perspective of life and is not the Absolute Truth, and therefore limits our credibility.

When we connect to our unlimited Truth with unlimited beliefs and unlimited Faith, we become Incredible Creators of our own personal reality. We then create our own Truth with Divinity and Credibility.