Creative Visualisation

Creative Visualisation is an oxymoron.

Visualisation has no creative power.

The only thing that I create with my visualisation is a picture of whatever I am visualising.

A visualisation of my past experience is a memory.

The re-formatting of past memories is a visualisation.

I have the power to visualise it in my future but not the authority to manifest it.

I can visualise myself in any form, format or context; yet that visualisation, in and of itself, has no power or authority to manifest as my reality.

My visualisation from the memory of my experience, or the memory of another’s experience, has no power of attraction and no creative ability.

I may believe that I am seeing it in my imagination but it is still a visualisation that I am visualising and not a creative vision that I am imagining.

It is my imagination that has the power to attract and manifest as real, not my visualisation.

Visualisation is an action of my ego’s will, whereas my  imagination has the creative power, authority & ability of my Soul.