Sexual Attraction

Sexual Attraction is the attraction of opposing genders of the same energy seeking to become whole.

A wavelength of emotion, that is divided by gender, constantly seeks to become reunited & whole.

When the wavelength of my emotion is either male or female in character, I seek its opposing gender characteristic in order for it to be reunited & feel complete.

When opposing genders of emotional energy reunite, an experience of blissful union is mutually enjoyed.

A strong male characteristic will develop an emotional need to connect with its opposing female aspect.

A strong female characteristic similarly seeks to reconnect with its opposing male aspect.

The more synergy that male & female characteristics have, the less attraction is evident.

As couples in a sexual relationship harmonise over time, sexual attraction between them becomes less evident and they become less sexually attractive to each other.

As time passes, a relationship originally based on sexual attraction often becomes less sexually attractive and more sensually attractive.