Sensual Attraction

Sensual Attraction is the attraction of similar polarities of emotional thought co-existing in harmony.

The natural state of energy is to be in balance.

Balanced energy flows effortlessly without resistance or conflict.

When emotional energy is positively or negatively out of balance, it seeks the neutrality of a charge neutral state of being.

A positively intense energy charge is grounded by a negatively intense energy charge.

A negatively intense energy charge is earthed by a positively intense energy charge.

A harmonious intensity of life requires a balanced polarity of energy to be earthed & grounded.

This requires a relationship to have a mutually balanced perspective of thoughts & beliefs.

Couples with similar views and the same perspective are interested in each other.

They are attracted to each other by their similar minds with like polarities of thought energy.

It is a meeting of minds that is evident with sensual attraction.

It is the experience of physical emotion that is evident in sexual attraction.