Magnetic Attraction

Magnetic Attraction is the attraction of similar polarities.

When opposing poles (genders) align in a similar direction they become magnetically attractive.

A north/south magnet aligns in the same direction as another north/south magnet.

Where opposing poles appear to attract, the attraction is actually a similar alignment of polarities.

Polarity means direction. Energy with a similar polarity or direction will align magnetically.

It is not the metal that is magnetic but the energy state of the metal. This is why iron can be both magnetically attractive or not.

Electro-magnetism is where an electric current aligns the energy of the metal to make it magnetically attractive.

Like frequencies, polarities and directions flow together due to magnetic attraction.

We are sexually attracted to someone with an opposing gender of energy.

We are magnetically attracted to someone who follows the same authority and makes the same choices as we do.

Sexually attractive people share their power with us.

Magnetically attractive people share the same standards, values, principles, ethics, manners, habits, rules, laws and authority as we do.

We are magnetically repelled by people with a colour, creed, race, nationality, culture, religion and ethnic background that is different to our own. We call this prejudice.