
Re-Solving is neither solving a problem nor resolving a problem

It is agreeing a resolution to accept whatever is occurring as an opportunity for growth.

Whatever is occurring in my life is always an opportunity for my Self development & for my Soul’s expansive growth.

Once I know this, the only resolution is the acceptance of what is.

I do not need to resolve a problem or a toleration when I am accepting what is occurring as an opportunity.

I cannot solve an opportunity, only re-solve to accept it as such.

Accepting opportunities is solving & re-solving all the issues that I experience on my beneficial path.

The outcome of every opportunity is benign and welcomed according to my resolution for it to be so.

Having a  solution to a problem is not an opportunity for growth as the problem will always return to be resolved.

Re-Solving all experiences as an opportunity allows attraction to always work in a positive way.

It is Magnetic Attraction in action.