A Divine State of Being

A Divine State of Being is the state our Soul is Being at all times.

Divine States of Being are the nature and the natural state of Being of our Soul.

Our Soul is a Divine Entity and Divinity is expressed through Divine States of Being.

Divine States of Being are Divine Attributes.

Once we have attained a Divine Attribute, we are able to allow that attribute to be our natural state of Being.

Each Attainment allows us to shine with a different aspect of our Light because each Divine Attribute is a different aspect of Love.

Life is a journey of the Attainment of the Attributes of our Divinity.

We are on a journey from the Divinity of our Source to become the Divinity of our Destiny.

Each Soul’s Journey is individual, unique and exclusive to its Self.

My Journey is to Attain the Divine States of Being of my Soul, to be in the Image of my Soul:

The Nature of my Soul is:

  • The Happiness of my Contentment, Fulfillment & Joy.
  • The Well-being of my Health, Wealth & Wisdom.
  • The Expansiveness of my Power, Authority & Ability.