Balance or Growth

My ego self seeks balance and harmony.

My Soul seeks expansive growth.

My Soul knows that it can only grow expansively by being out of balance with its Self.

My ego self seeks balance in all things so as to come into harmony with my Soul.

My Soul is always in balance as there is no duality in which to become unbalanced.

My Soul is always in harmony with my Self.

It is through my Self being out of balance and therefore not in harmony with my Soul that allows the greatest expansive growth of my Soul.

The challenge for my Self is to be out of balance with Life, whilst remaining in harmony with my Soul.

My Journey by necessity will take me out of balance so that My Soul grows with my expansion, as I then harmonise with my expanded Soul, I bring my Self back into Balance.

I cannot overcome the dual reality of physical life unless I have first experienced both extremes of the contrasting duality.

My Soul cannot experience the perfection of my balance and harmony until I have found the harmony and balance for my Self.