The Nature Of Attainments

The Nature of Attainments is that they are attained. Attaining a Natural Attainment is attaining my True Nature. Attaining a human attainment is human nature.

My True Nature is an inherent aspect of my True Self. I cannot lose an aspect of my True Self but I can lose or forget my connection with it. In my disconnection from Source, I forget my True Nature and adopt my Human Nature. I attain an aspect of my True Nature when I consciously remember to connect with it.

A True Attainment has no polarity. It has no choice of direction because it is just true. Human attainments are neither true nor natural, they are man made in the nature of human beings.

I can attain any emotional attribute by consciously attributing it to my Self. Any emotional attribute that I consciously attribute to myself, I attain as an attainment. It is the nature of an attainment that it is attained by becoming a consciously attributable attribute.

An attribute that is attained becomes the nature of a Human Being. Human nature is an expression of an Individual’s attributes. Whereas it is the nature of attainments to be objective, human nature is individually subjective.

The objective of personal development is to individually attain natural attributes. Every natural attribute that I attain is an expression of my true nature.

It is the nature of true attainments to be only expressed one way. As they have no polarity, they can only be expressed one way as an expression of one’s true self into the outside world.

My True Nature is an expression of my Inner Beingness. It is an inner state of being, expressed outwards. It flows through me into the outside world as an expression of who I am being.

When I remember the true nature of who I really am, I allow it to be expressed from within. I express the human nature of who I think I am, when my true nature is forgotten & suppressed. I have to truly remember who I really am to attain the level of spiritual vibration that allows the expression of my true nature.

Happiness & Well-Being are Natural Attainments. I attain happiness when I remember to be physically content, mentally fulfilled and emotionally joyful. With the attainment of happiness, I can consciously express how happy I am by allowing it to flow through me as an expression of my true Self.

I attain wellbeing when I remember to be physically healthy, emotionally wealthy and mentally wise. With the attainment of wellbeing, I can consciously express being well by allowing it to flow through me as my true state of being.

Any resistance to my natural state of happiness & wellbeing blocks my ability to expansively flow because of the negatively reversed polarity that it causes. The opposing polarity of flow is resistance. Any opposition to my natural state of happiness & wellbeing is caused by the resistance & entropy of my own limiting beliefs & fears. My false beliefs & limiting fears are what cause my disconnection from my inherent source of happiness & wellbeing.

The Nature of any True Attainment is its ability to positively and beneficially connect me with my source of Expansive Happiness & Wellbeing.