
Equality requires both Equanimity & Equability.

Equability is the ability to see oneself as equal to all others and able to relate to all other people equally. This requires my personal standards to be in alignment with my personal boundaries. When my boundaries are equal to my standards, I see other people from an equal & balanced perspective. This allows everyone to be different and all different people to be treated equally.

It is being accepting of the reality that people who are not emotionally balanced in equanimity, are mentally biased in favour of their own culture. Being approving of all people being different and allowing them to individually or collectively behave according to their cultural beliefs; allows me to align my standards and boundaries with the culture of my personal beliefs.

Equality is not something that someone else can give me. Trying to legislate for equality is an agenda that will promote racism, not equalise it or abolish it. We have been trying to abolish racism for centuries without success. Equality is a personal attainment, not something that magically happens to everyone when racism & inequality is prohibited by law.

Equality is a state of being that is only personally attainable by being both in Equanimity and with Equability. As an exclusively unique Individual, I will never be the same as anyone else. My personal standard for equality is being the same as everyone else by being different. My boundary allows everyone else to be the same as me or different. When my standard aligns with my boundary, I am in equality.

I cannot be in equanimity with an emotional need to be better than others, superior to others or in competition with others.

I cannot be equable with any belief that I am more or less potent or worthy than others.

In reality, I can only ever be the Equal of my own mental Equability, emotional Equanimity & physical potential.