
Life flows effortlessly with Spontaneity.

Spontaneity is an intuitive response to life.

When I respond to life’s calling my spontaneity is instinctive.

Spontaneity has a chaotic order.

When my ego tries to organise life into order, it disallows spontaneity and flow.

A life without spontaneity decays eventually into the chaos of boredom.

When I allow life to happen, it occurs spontaneously.

Spontaneity is the third way out of the duality of order and chaos.

Spontaneity overcomes boredom and repetition.

Spontaneity is when my Self and my Soul embrace in the Dance of Life.

My Soul responds intantly because it can.

My Self responds instinctively and intuitively when it chooses.

Spontaneity is the instance of intuition and instinct in harmony.

Spontaneity requires a Divine Acceptance that Life Just Is.