
Reverence is a posh name for pleasing.

Reverence is idol worship.

It is a deep respect for someone whose position we hold in awe and honour.

I am pleasing someone’s greed and desire to be seen as superior when I humble myself to the position and the status of another.

Worshipping or idolising someone’s status is envy.

When I respect or revere a person’s position, I am envying their knowledge, status or power that is conveyed through their character or their personality.

Reverence acknowledges and respects the esteem of another. When that self-esteem is founded on status and position in society, it is false.

I Truly Respect and hold in high esteem the attributes and attainments of another when expressing their true identity.

It is only possible to have a deep and profound understanding of the attributes that another has attained once one has attained those attributes oneself.

Sharing those deep and profound attainments with another is the act of True Compassion and is truly Reverent.

We all have an equal potential to experience true compassion and attain the state of being Reverent.

Being Reverent is the state of sharing the attainments of another at the level of one’s Soul.