Self Control

Self Control requires discipline.

Someone else’s discipline is not self control.

Discipline aligns me with authority.

Self Control is the 3rd way between ‘controlling others’ and ‘being controlled by others’.

Controlling another involves instilling my discipline into them so that they follow my authority.

It means getting them to do what I want.

Being controlled by another involves following their authority and conforming to their discipline by doing what they want.

Self Control is the absence of any controlling influence over either another or my Self.

When I try to control others, others will try to control me. This is the Law of Attraction.

The discipline of Self-control is the authority to be in control of my Self.

The only way to achieve true self-control and be in control of my Self is to relinquish control from my ego self to my True Self, my Soul.

My Soul never takes control of my Self.

It can only be in control of my Self once my Self consciously cedes control to my Soul.

When I give control of my Self over to my Soul, I become a True Disciple of my Soul and attain Self Control.