Personal Attainments

A Personal Attainment is an emotional state of being that I can consciously choose at will.

Actually, I do not consciously choose a state of being.

I consciously choose a belief about whatever is occurring and that belief vibrates with a wavelength of emotion that determines my state of being.

My state of being is a direct representation of my emotional power.

My beliefs allow my thoughts that are either empowering or disempowering relative to their purity or the polarity of their frequency.

A false or limiting belief resonates at a low vibration because of its low emotional power.

It is the low emotional power of a belief that limits its creativity and makes it fearful.

A fear is a limiting belief that resonates at a very low frequency with a very high intensity.

It is a personal attainment of a very low quality.

I do not consciously choose fearful beliefs.

I choose high quality mental attainments that allow attributes of high quality emotional energy.

I am empowered by my personal attributes and inspired with my personal attainments.