
Excellence is the attainment of be excelling.

I am being excelling when I am being my true Self.

My true Self is not just a collection of organised cells.

I am more than just a physical entity.

I cannot excel as just a physical being.

As well as being physical, I am required to be emotional.

Excellence requires an emotional state of being excelling.

I cannot excel within the limitations of a physical brain in a physical body.

When I expand my mind beyond the confines of my human brain, I am being excelling.

I am not out of my mind, I am out of my cells.

Being excelling requires an intuitive mind.

I excel when I intuitively see, feel & know the expansiveness of my excellence.

I excel in the expansiveness of my attributes & attainments.

My excellence, my emotional state of being excelling, is a personal quality of my Self.