
When we are approving of what others are doing, we are being tolerant of their actions and behaviour.

When we are disapproving of what others are doing, we are being intolerant of their actions and behaviour.

When we are approving of whom others are being, we are judging their character and personality as good.

When we are disapproving of whom others are being, we are judging their character and personality as bad.

True Approval:

  • Has no disapproval.
  • Has no judgement.
  • Knows our True Identity.
  • Is unconditional

Unconditional approval knows that when someone is not expressing who they really are, then this is their issue, and acceptance of that has been attained.

Our issue is our opportunity to: “Approve of who we are being in relationship to all others”.

How much we approve of our Self is equal to how much we value our Self and feel our Self to be worthy.

Self Approval:

  • Is our True Self Worth.
  • Is a measure of our personal power.
  • Comes with Being our True Identity.
  • Expresses our Divine Attributes.
  • Is the state of being unconditionally Loving of one’s Self.