
Accountable means being able to account for one’s experiences in life.

I am accountable only to my Self when I follow my own path of destiny.

I am accountable to other people when I follow their path and my fate.

I am accountable when I am able to account for my life.

When my Book is balanced, I am accountable.

I account for my life when I know my vision, mission & purpose is my account of my life.

When I live my mission in life with purpose in alignment with my vision, I deem my Self accountable.

When my life is fulfilled with true value, I am accountable for my actions & my experiences.

I hold my Soul accountable for my direction in life.

My Soul accounts for each step that my Self takes in life.

The Law of Attraction is my Chief Accountant.

My Soul is the Author of my Book of Life. 

The Books are balanced with the Golden Rule.

I am the unsung hero of my life.