
A Commitment is a promise to please someone else.

It is a toleration, a have to, a must, an ought to or a should.

Commitments are not empowered by my Soul. They will therefore require will power to deliver them.

Being committed to something diminishes its value.

There is no true value to a commitment.

Fulfilling a commitment is never fulfilling, although it may meet an emotional need.

A commitment is an attachment. It attaches me to another emotionally.

My Soul gives my Self unconditional choice. There is no commitment required.

When I commit my Self to life, I commit to my fate not my destiny.

My Life Path is my Destiny.

It is a Covenant not a commitment.

When I never have to make a commitment, I never need to break a commitment.

When I make a commitment it becomes my duty to carry it out.

There is no duty to pay to my Soul.

My Soul is free.