When I Take Action!

Actors act, Inspired Beings take action!

Inspired Beings take action when they are inspired to take action.

Inspiration is an empowered thought.

Empowered thought is aligned with the Soul.

Only my Soul can empower my action.

I am inspired to take action when my thought connects my Self to my Soul’s power.

When I am empowered by an inspirational thought, I just do it.

With the authority in the inspiration, I intuitively know it is right to take action.

Inspired with empowered emotion, I intuitively feel it is a good action to take.

When I intuitively feel good & I intuitively know it is right, I intuitively see my alignment with my higher vision for my Self.

I cannot follow my life path by taking no action.

Taking uninspired action has no power, which means my Soul has no interest in taking this path; irrespective of what my ego Self may believe.

When there is no interest in a path, it is because there is no growth & no appreciation.

The path of my Soul is the way of interest & appreciation through expansive growth.

When I have no interest or appreciation of my path, there is no growth for my Soul.

I take action when I am interested & I appreciate the opportunity for the growth of my spirit.

I take action when my Soul gives direction & shows me the Way.