When I Pray!

Every prayer is a question that is asked by the one who is praying.

Every Prayer is the questioner who is asking a question.

There is no clear distinction between the prayer, the question that is asked and the Prayer, the one who asks.

Prayers seek answers as do questions seek answers.

I am both the questioner & the question.

A prayer is a question that seeks the truth of who I am & why I am here.

When I do not hear the answer to my prayers, I will continue to ask the same questions and I will continue to not hear the same answers.

When I ask the right question, I already know the answer that is right for me.

I will continue to seek the answers until I know the right questions to ask.

Saying someone else’s prayers will not reveal the direction of my own path.

Only my own vision will reveal, with clarity & direction, the purpose of my mission in life.

Once I know the vision that I have chosen for my life, I also know that each step of my journey is revealed in each present moment as I intended.

When I pray, I no longer need to ask the way, I just have to listen to hear my daily messages of alignment.

Every question reveals the quest i (am) on.

Every prayer becomes a statement of gratitude & appreciation for what I already have.

When I pray, I realise that everything is already given, even before I ask.