When I Worship!

Worship is the power of group dynamics.

When people meet with a common purpose called worship, the dynamic of the group energy is exponentially greater than the sum of the power of each individual person.

Christians call this a blessing of the Holy Spirit.

When the dynamic of the group energy is balanced in both polarity & gender with a divine focus, it becomes whole energy or Holy Spirit.

When the dynamic of the group is out of balance, following a single gender polarity, it results in the vanity of worshipping a false idol or the falsehood of idle worship that is in vain.

Revealing our messages in prayer requires an emotional connection to our true source of emotional power.

When insufficiently empowered, I am unable to hear my messages of direction with clarity, whether I worship or not.

When I worship with an interdevelopmental group, I am able to raise my energy vibration sufficiently to hear the answers to my own prayers that allows life to happen through me.

When I worship with an interdependent group, I assist the group to attain harmony & balance by our own mutual activity.

When I worship with a dependent group, I realise that the purpose of worship is to gain the emotional energy needed to continue to fight the good fight between good & evil that is happening to me, in the daily dramas of my life.

Worship is either a way of receiving the emotional energy that I need or a way of sharing the emotional energy that I have.

My Soul worships the ground that I walk on, which means that when I am grounded on my path, I am empowered to walk my talk.

When I worship the ground that I walk on, I am fully grounded and empowered with my inspired revelations to follow the path of my own ideal life.

My Soul is my Worshipful Master.