When I Meditate!

When I Meditate, I hear my Inner Guidance.

Meditation facilitates the connection between my Self & my Soul.

When I meditate, my brain waves adopt an alpha frequency or rhythm that allows my Soul’s direction to be revealed.

Meditation allows my intuitive connection to my higher perspective of life.

My Soul communicates with its Self intuitively.

A meditative state of being quietens the chatter of the sub-conscious mind and allows my super-conscious intuitive thoughts to come through with clarity.

My spiritual Soul is ever guiding & supporting its physical Self on the journey of life.

My question is: Am I hearing my messages & accepting the support that is always on offer?

The ego has unconditional choice and the choices that my ego chooses determine the condition of the reality that I experience.

I can choose the guidance of my sub-conscious programming that holds the experience of my previous solutions to my problems, pain & fears.

Or, I can choose the divine guidance of my super-conscious Soul that holds the blue-print for the purpose of the vision for my life.

The guidance of my Soul is divine because it provides the clarity & direction of my ideal life path.

When I meditate, I hear the questions that provide the answers to my prayers that allow the emotional power that I worship to inspire me with life.

When I meditate, I enter a space of Love in a time of Light that allows the reality of my ideal Life to be revealed.