Where I Live!

Where I Live is where I experience my life, this time.

I have experienced many life-times in many different worlds.

I live this life-time in the physical realm of Planet Earth.

This planet orbits a Sun that rotates on its axis while revolving around a Galaxy, called the Milky Way.

It is a physical planet that is a contextual field of relative dual reality.

The duality of the contextual field is specifically designed to allow choice.

Metaphysically, the vibration of the planet has a wavelength that is divided by gender that allows an inversely proportional frequency to be divided by polarity.

This not only allows choice but also multiple options and an infinite potential for innovative creativity.

I live on a planet of choice that is a blank canvas for the infinite possibilities of truly creative ability.

As the planet travels in time through virgin space, a newly creative reality is possible in every spacial moment of time.

I am choosing to live here for a purpose and, like everyone else who has chosen to live here, my purpose is to fulfil my vision for this life-time.

Fulfilling my vision for this life-time is my destiny.

It is my destiny to fulfil my vision for my life on purpose.

This is my mission, should I choose to accept it or should I choose to forget it and be doomed to follow my fate.

I have chosen to forget my destiny and follow my fate until awakened to my vision of creating my ideal life in heaven on earth, where I now live as a spiritual Being enjoying a physical existence called life.