My Vision Is!

My Vision Is: To live in a world where everyone in my reality is in control of their own power, their own authority & are responsible for their own actions.

It is my vision to live a life that is ideal for me.

In my ideal life, I am empowerd by source energy when I am in alignment with my Soul’s authority.

I am connected to the power of my Soul’s authority when I am aligned with my vision.

The paradox of a personal vision is:

I am required to intuitively see my vision, to follow my vision that illuminates my path, before I can visibly see my path and physically follow my vision.

I have to get my vision before I can see my vision & realise my vision and I have to realise my vision to see my vision before I get to live my vision.

When all others are in control of their own power & authority, they are following their own path; whether they know & see their vision or not.

When I allow all others to follow their own path, they offer me no interference in my ability to follow my path, in alignment with the Golden Rule.

When I follow my true path, it never interferes with the true path of another.

By the Law of Attraction, when I am being approving, allowing & accepting of the actions of others, they in return are approving, allowing & accepting of mine.

My Soul is the controller of my power that enables my ability in physical reality.

When in divine alignment, I am enabled by the authority & power of my Soul’s choice.

My vision is to live my ideal life on Earth as my Soul chooses its Self to live.