What Happiness Is!

Happiness is an Emotional Feeling.

It is the feeling of emotion flowing through me without entropy or inertia.

It is the unrestricted flow of emotional feeling that is called joy.

It is the uninterrupted flow of mental thought that is fulfilling my Self with joy.

It is the effortless feeling of physical contentment that comes with mental fulfilment & emotional joy.

Happiness is the contentment of my physical ability being fully enabled.

Happiness is being fulfilled with the mental authority of my vision.

Happiness is being joyful with the power of my emotional feelings.

It is the feeling that I am intuitively in alignment with my life path.

Happiness is my Soul being happy with my Self.

When I attribute being happy with my Self to myself, I attain happiness as a quality state of being.

When I am joyful, fulfilled & content, everything is flowing effortlessly along my life path and life could not be better.

I am being happy with my life when living my life is an expression of my inner happiness.

When my life has content & is filled full of joy, I am experiencing the inner happiness of my Soul.

Happiness is my Soul expressing how it feels about how I am living life as my Self.