Why There Is Enough!

There Is Enough because the Universe is Abundant.

Abundance has no limitation, it is always enough.

I cannot have too much abundance but I can have too little when I block the universal flow that is abundant.

The Universe is infinite & eternal.

Infinity & eternity are without end.

Infinite space & eternal time combine to create a continuous reality that has no limitation & exists forever.

A reality that is infinite & eternal has the ability to create everything it needs, whenever it needs it.

The creative power of the universe is boundless & limitless.

In a dual reality world, I cannot have too little without having too much.

Too much of a bad thing causes too little of a good thing.

I cannot have more than enough of what is wrong without having less than enough of what is right.

Gluttony & scarcity co-exist as opposing polarities of the same energy.

In a world of opposing extremes of poverty & extravagance, there is always a third choice. 

The third way out of every duality is the balance point at the fulcrum of the experience.

In every duality of excess & insufficiency, there is a balance point that is enough.

Enough exists at the point in life where there is neither too little nor more than enough.

There is enough when I choose enough because when I choose enough, I am provided with enough and I experience having enough.