The Aether

Science declared the Aether not to exist in physical reality, which is absolutely true. In absolute reality, the aether is pure creative potential, which is as yet unrealised or yet to materialise. Only once the aether exists in the imagination can it’s creative potential become both physically and mentally realised.

Aether + Imagination = Reality

Without the realisation of imagination, the aether cannot exist as a reality. This is a priori realisation, in contrast to a posteriori realisation.

The aether is the un-materialised energetic motion of matter, from a metaphysical perspective, and the matter of un-materialised energetic motion, from the perception of mental thinking.

Metaphorically, the aether is the clay which forms pottery and the sand which forms glassware.

Metaphysically, the aether is:

  • The pure vibration of energy, without frequency or wavelength
  • The non-existence of life, in the absence of love or light
  • The intensity of pure emotion, without gender or polarity
  • Pure creative potential, without force or magnitude
  • The Incommensurability of being without power or authority
  • The inert presence of inactive uncreativity
  • The nothing from which something & everything manifests
  • The latent potential of innate ingenuity, initiative & innovation
  • The continuous infinity of eternity, without existence
  • The prime element with which the creator creates every creation

The aether can only be imagined, conceived and perceived from the supra-conscious perspective of the Soul. I cannot my Self consciously perceive the aether, without the conceptual imagination and creative ability of my Soul.

Without the imagination of the Potter or the Glass-blower, the clay and sand remain inert.

Science without aether is soul-less.