Tolerance & Intolerance

Tolerance is my ability to accept someone else’s choices as my own.

With tolerance, I am able to follow someone else’s authority and do as they want.

Someone else’s authority is a ‘have to’, a ‘must’, an ‘ought to’, or a ‘should’.

When I have to, ought to, should, or must, be, do or have something, it is a toleration.

Intolerance is when I decide that I don’t have to, I didn’t ought to, I mustn’t, I shouldn’t and I won’t.

When this happens, I become intolerant of another, they become intolerant of me, or we become intolerant of each other.

Intolerance is when I exert my will power in direct conflict with the will power of another.

In a dual reality world, I can either tolerate the will of another or find it intolerable.

Either way, I am not being accepting of the opportunity to see what is occurring as an opportunity and a gift.

With acceptance there is no toleration and no intolerance, no energy loss and no conflict. Just the right choice for me based on my own personal perspective of what is occuring.