More Or Less Than Enough

In my past, I had a choice between surviving on not enough or being comfortable with more than I needed.

In my future, I can choose choose between things being scarce or having plenty.

In my present, I can experience the poverty of too little or the extravagance of too much.

I can choose the gluttony of wanting more than enough or the frugality of having less than enough.

Whether I choose survival or comfort, scarcity or plenty, poverty or extravagance, gluttony or frugality, too much or too little, not enough or more than enough; I will not ever have enough.

A scarcity mentality will always see-saw from having too little to having more than enough.

From being a millionaire to becoming bankrupt.

A billionaire who is still chasing money does not have enough and is still in a scarcity mentality.

A pauper, who is happy & content with what they have, has an abundance mentality because they always have enough.

It is my thoughts of gratitude & appreciation for the abundance that I have that creates my abundance mentality and the abundance that I am experiencing.