Enough Abundance

Enough is enough. It is neither too little nor too much.

Enough is without scarcity and without gluttony.

Enough has no extravagance and no frugality.

We can only drive one car at a time, therefore we only need one car park space.

One car park space is enough, two is more than enough, none is not enough.

We only need a car park space ‘now’. An empty space is useless to us in the past or the future.

Money is the same as a car park space. We only need enough in the present moment.

When our car park space is ‘reserved’ we know that we will always have enough space to park.

When we have enough money in ‘reserve’, we know that we will always have enough.

A Money Reserve will attract more money to flow to us to ensure that we will always have enough.

When abundance is in opposition to scarcity it is more than enough.

When Abundance is enough, then we will always have enough Abundance without having too much and being extravagant.

Without a Money Reserve we will only ever have just enough.

With a Money Reserve, we will always have enough.

Savings are what we put aside for future spending. They are not a Money Reserve.

When we save money for the future we are declaring a scarcity mentality, which is miserly and frugal.

The secret to having enough in abundance is to spend 90% of our income, whilst tithing 10% to our Self in the form of our Money Reserve, which is never spent.

To have enough in abundance, we are required to know how much enough is.

Too much is not enough.