
Sharing can be divisive or expansive.

Sharing is divisive when we divide what we have between one or more others.

When we divide what we have amongst others, we have a scarcity mentality, which expresses our belief that others do not have enough.

Divisive sharing, sometimes called charity, is an expression of scarcity that creates more poverty.

When we divide what we have in a belief in scarcity, we just increase the scarcity and share it.

Expansive sharing is when we share what we have with what another also has.

With expansive sharing the product is greater than the sum of the two halves that are being shared.

Expansive sharing is an expression of enough that results in an abundance of enough.

We can never have too much expansion or more than enough abundance.

When we share abundance, we don’t get more abundance, we just share it with another.

Sharing what we have in abundance allows us to appreciate what we have in abundance.