
Saving is an affirmation of Scarcity.

We save things because we believe that things are scarce and limited.

We save money because we believe that we will not have enough.

Believing that there will not be enough is a scarcity mentality, which creates scarcity as a reality.

Scarcity is rooted in the belief that everything that we have, or can have, is created by Man.

It is based on a belief that our power is an expression of how much money we have and that when our money is limited, our power is limited.

When we know that everything of value is created by God, and that God is omnipotent and all powerful, infinite and eternal, we also know that the only limitations are the ones that we place upon our reality.

Scarcity is a limitation and a scarcity mentality is created by limiting beliefs that things in life are scarce.

Whatever we believe in life to be scarce will become scarce in our reality and our experience.