Enough of Victimhood

My victimhood will become history when I declare that I have had Enough of Victimhood.

Until I have had enough of victimhood, I will experience too much victimhood in my life.

I will overcome victimhood in my life when I decide that, with regard to victimhood, enough is enough.

I will experience victimhood until I decide that I have experienced enough of victimhood and I decide that it is time to overcome victimhood.

To overcome being a victim of other people requires me to stop victimising other people in the belief that they are to blame for my victimhood.

I cannot change another person, yet when I change myself, others have to change in relationship to my Self.

Once others recognise that I have had enough of victimhood and I am no longer a victim they know that they can no longer victimise me.

It is impossible to victimise someone that is no longer a victim, although it is possible to victimise someone who is pretending to no longer be a victim.

Victimhood is caused by a victim mentality that believes in scarcity.

Not having enough of anything, including self-esteem, creates a victim mentality.

With a victim mentality, I have a scarcity mentality, I am a victim of my scarcity.

When I give up my scarcity mentality and know that I have enough of everything, I can no longer be a victim of my own false beliefs and fears.