My Ego

My Ego is my sense of Self.

It is who I experience my Self to be.

I cannot overcome my ego with will power.

Will power is the power of my ego.

I can only overcome my ego with Love.

Love is the Power of my Soul.

With the Power of my Soul, my ego will be overcome with Love.

When my ego is in conflict with my Soul, it is confused and is really in conflict with itself.

My Soul exists beyond all duality. It is never in conflict with my ego. It has unconditional Love for my ego and has given my ego unconditional choice.

When my ego overcomes conflict, life becomes Divine, and my ego is at peace, with my Soul.

My Soul is forever at Peace.

It is not my mission to overcome my ego by defeating it, but by absolving it.

With absolution, my ego becomes ‘absolute’, which is the state of having overcome all aspects of relative dual reality.

Once absolved, my ego becomes Soul-like with the attainment of Absolute Divinity.

My ego, my sense of Self, becomes who my Soul knows, sees and feels its Self to be.