The Ability Of The Deed

The Ability Of the Deed is always relative.

Action is the ability of the body.

The body’s ability to take action is relative to its emotional power & mental authority.

Without the mental authority of choice, there is no capacity for action.

Without the feeling of emotional power, there is no active competence.

Without mental capacity & emotional competence, there is no physical capability to do a deed.

Indeed, without power I am emotionally incompetent and without authority I am mentally incapacitated.

My mental capacity is my authority to choose.

My emotional competence is my power to attain my choice and fulfil my action.

I see my ability when I know with authority and I feel empowered.

I am healthily enabled by my wealth of power & my wise authority.

When mentally fulfilling and emotionally joyful, I am happily content with the ability to access the deeds of my action.